27 Kasım 2010 Cumartesi

at Rhiz: gameboy music club

at Rihz we made paper boats
and i made some weird things with some tobacco paper
lovely small conversations with Deniz & Bernard
many folks are from the mountains
i love the mountains
the night i came across 2 Turkish busdrivers - the night line
one of them was really sure ı was from hıs vıllage ın BUrdur
ıt was a col cold nıght
when ı got kıcked out of the metro
and transfered to a series of buses
one person i asked my way to said:
"you dont know german" and made a sign that he would not help
i said: well, do you know english?
and did not feel a bit bad about not having conquered the austrian german language
there is a universal language when one person offers help to another
come on
dont fool me

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