31 Aralık 2011 Cumartesi

kaplumbağa koltuk

sokaklarda koca bir koltukla dolaşıyordum. hani tüh almasaymışım çantayı deriz ya. bir ara tüh buraya getirmeseymişim koltuğu diyorum içi bomboş b,r alışveriş merkezinin dopdolu tuvaletlerinin önünde. bir ara çocuklarla yokuş yukarı yuruyoruz. koşup koşup koltuğu yokuş yukarı itiyorum gidiyor gidiyor ama birazd aha ivme lazımmış...

sonra manzaralı bir evde anten olarak bir el feneri. aynı zamanda alıcıymış. uyumadan önce fringe seyredince paralel evrendeki halimle tanışacaktım. gittiği her yere ahşap kolluklu koltuğunu taşıyan. her yere yuruyen. el fenerinden alıcı ve anten yapan ve sahildeki deniz taşlarını uzun uzun seyreden biriydi rüyamdaki.( ayrıca tuvaletlerin girişindeki tatsız manzarayı da heen tuvalet yöneticisine haber verip tuvalete gitmeye eve gitmeyi seçiyordu. )henuz geçemedim bence paralel evrene. en azından bu ruyada değil. ama biriyle karşılaştım ve bana birşeyer anlattı ve çok net iki isim vardı anneannem ile ilgili. anneannemi arayacağım dedim ruyamda uyandığımda ilk telefon ondan geldi. isimleri soyledim. duraksamadan hikayelerini anlattı. şaştım. seviyorum rastlantıları.

bir de ruyamda oturduğum eve bahçeden iniliyordu merdivenlerle aşağı. ve merdivenlerin bir basamağında zaten oraya bırakmış olduğum birşeyin yanında bir de minicik kabuğu kırık bir kaplumbağa vardı.

dün dişimden bir parça kopmuş. akşam farkettim farkettiğimde başak vardı melis vardı barış vardı kaya vardı... arkamızda biri motosikletine biniyodu bir kız feci özendim. barışın spor arabaya nasıl doluştuk ve kısa zamanda ne kadar çok konuştuk. cross conversations.

başakla beyoğlu arka sokağında benim rotamda çok çok yavaş yürüyerek neler neler gördük daha önce yanından geçip de hiç görmediğimiz... sonra protesto, sergi açılışı gibiydi. başında maydanozu ve peleriniyle şahaneydi tayfun.

üzerine sahlep
üzerine fringe
üzerine koltuk ve kaplumbağa

29 Aralık 2011 Perşembe

deeper instinct

“I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naïve or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.” anais nin

rusty words

“And when at last you find someone to whom you feel you can pour out your soul, you stop in shock at the words you utter— they are so rusty, so ugly, so meaningless and feeble from being kept in the small cramped dark inside you so long.”― Sylvia Plath

29 Haziran 2011 Çarşamba

meredith monk: delphine's share from Vienna

"Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning." Maya Angelou - i know why the caged bird sings

listening to the song Delphine has shared with me. Meredith Monk. I remember the blue curtains of my room. shades of blue.

today i hear the news of a possible flat i might move into in İstanbul soon by myself. A possibility.

human voice is a curious thing. tone of voice. color of voice. voice. violence. silence.
voice also can take on an alienating quality. it can as well take on a homely quality. sometimes you fall away from one person just by a sudden realization that the tone of the voice is not right. not real. not your tune. not my tune. not your frequency.

i'd rather resonate with you. i'd rather take delight in the sound ofyour breath. in the sound of a moan. in the sound of you talking.
a moment of distraction. leaves you with not what i say but the tone. it leaves you with what i say plus the tone. it leaves you only with what i say. only with how it sounds. only with how it feels. all is connected.
feelings stay. give an impromptu voice to the feelings. take your stand. be full of courage. voice it out.

15 Mart 2011 Salı

fantastic - uncanny - marvelous


The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre (1975)

Tzvetan Todorov

"In a world which is indeed our world, the one we know....there occurs an event which cannot be explained by the laws of this same familiar world. The person who experiences the event must opt for one of two possible solutions: either he is the victim of an illusion of the senses, of a product of the imagination-- and the laws of the world then remain what they are; or else the event has indeed taken place, it is an integral part of reality--but then this reality is controlled by laws unknown to us (p. 25)."

"The fantastic occupies the duration of this uncertainty....The fantastic is that hesitation experienced by a person who knows only the laws of nature, confronting an apparently supernatural event (p. 25)."

Todorov later comments:

"The fantastic requires the fulfillment of three conditions. First, the text must oblige the reader to consider the world of the characters as a world of living persons and to hesitate between a natural or supernatural explanation of the events described. Second, this hesitation may also be experienced by a character; thus the reader's role is so to speak entrusted to a character, and at the same time the hesitation is represented, it becomes one of the themes of the work--in the case of naive reading, the actual reader identifies himself with the character. Third, the reader must adopt a certain attitude with regard to the text: he will reject allegorical as well as "poetic" interpretations (p. 33)."

Todorov distinguishes the fantastic from two other modes, the uncanny and the marvelous. While these modes have some of the ambiguity of the fantastic, they ultimately offer a resolution governed by natural laws (the uncanny) or the supernatural (the marvelous).

"[In the uncanny], events are related which may be readily accounted for by the laws of reason, but which are, in one way or another, incredible, extraordinary, shocking, singular, disturbing or unexpected, and which thereby provoke in the character and in the reader a reaction similar to that which works of the fantastic have made familiar (p. 46)." Todorov's definition of the uncanny might be applied to stories in which the character realizes s/he is mad or has just awakened from a dream. Thus, the uncanny is an "experience of limits."

"If we move to the other side of that median line which we have called the fantastic, we find ourselves in the fantastic-marvelous, the class of narratives that are presented as fantastic and that end with an acceptance of the supernatural (p. 52)."

the shop for distant realities / ismi tuhafiyeci olmayan tuhafiye

koşuyolu Porsan (the shop where irrelevant things exist side by side / a secret tuhaf-iyeci; a tuhafiyeci which is not called a tuhafiyeci...); probably 1996... my niece hugging the almost scary weird sculpture who is hugging the air...

"My most important problem was destroying the lines of demarcation that separate what seems real from what seems fantastic."
Gabriel García Márquez

back to writing and producing along with the bizarre waves of the fantastic, the weird, the ironic. and still craving for the better words. travelling between "tuhaf " and "fantastik" in TUrkish. but "ironic" does not serve the same purpose... "how ironic" - ironic is somehow more tangible. but "tuhaf" is more ambiguous. it is the summary of a particular way of perception and particular way of existence. tuhafiye. my parents for years have been running a shop where unrelated - far realities - exist side by side. this is actually called a "tuhafiye": the place who sells the weird. the weirdest of it all is their place was never called a "tuhafiye." but it got weirder each year... tuhafiye is the palace of shortcurcuits and of metaphors. where distant realities clash to create ghosts that go deep in one's psyche.

i guess my first attempt for an outdoor sculpture was in response to the weirdness of my families absurd shop. we placed it in front of the shop. as rain slowly washed it away; the figure got thinner... a pregnant lady was afraid of it. some loved it. some started to leave their books below it as if it were a tree. not to scare the pregnant lady anymore, we put it away...

all that remains of it is an absurd photograph...

13 Mart 2011 Pazar

"kafadan kontak" / a shot circuit in the head

"kafadan kontak" is an excellent expression. "kontak" is the slang for electrical shortcircuit. "kafa" is head. "kafadan kontak" is when the nerves in the brain make shortcurcuit. czz dzzz czzz. an electical shortcircuit in the head. messes up the system.

short circuit
(Electronics) a faulty or accidental connection between two points of different potential in an electric circuit, bypassing the load and establishing a path of low resistance through which an excessive current can flow. It can cause damage to the components if the circuit is not protected by a fuse
vb short-circuit
1. (Electronics) to develop or cause to develop a short circuit
2. (tr) to bypass (a procedure, regulation, etc.)
3. (tr) to hinder or frustrate (plans, etc.) Sometimes (for senses 1, 2) shortened to short

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

çatlak / crack (or turkish slang for crazy)

there are countless cracks in Istanbul. some cracks leak. some cracks sing. some cracks are like threats. they startle you in the dark. cracks crack up to swallow you in. and then cracks vomit you out onto busy streets. the streets are so busy that people do not notice a newly vomitted person like you are. cracks are alive. crick crack. "çatlak" is the Turkish word for crack. you also call a person "çatlak." "ÇAtlak" is a person who acts her own way, not bothering about social codes, formalities and such... "çatlak" is home to all street fluids. All fluids find a crack to rach down deep in the ground...
in Vienna, on the streets of asphalt, cracks were made visible by snow. Those cracks are the bases for space ships. spacecrafts are made of snow and live in cracks. if they donot return to space, they melt into waters and leak underground and become the fresh air in the summer. we are breathing in spacecrafts to come closer to stars.

27 Şubat 2011 Pazar

so weird / tuhaf

extremely busy days in İstanbul. Today i saw this metal fence in front of a fountain by the wall of GAlatasaray highschool. on the fence was the remainders from posters. slightly moving in the wind. i saw lots of similar fences on the streets of vienna. especially by the constructions. and specifically on the way to semperdepot. should post parallel photos...


as for my thesis a tiny step:

the meaning of the word weird in turkish

sıfat Arapça tu§af

1 . Acayip:
"Nahit'in onda hiç görmediği bir tuhaf hâli vardı."- T. Buğra.
2 . Şaşılacak, garip.
3 . Güldürücü:
"Kibirli, alıngan olmayan, tuhaf ve nükteli bir adammış."- A. Ş. Hisar.
4 . Gülünç:
"Bu kıyafetle tuhaf oluyorsun."- .
5 . Anlaşılmaz:
"Tuhaf çocuk, günü gününe uymuyor."- .
6 . ünlem Şaşılan bir şey karşısında söylenen söz:
"Tuhaf! Her yerde olduğunun aksine, burada şehirden uzaklaştıkça binaların güzelliği artıyor."- A. Haşim.

20 Şubat 2011 Pazar

back in IStanbul

walking the streets of Istanbul, i see faces from Vienna. i mistake faces from here for faces from Vienna.
late at nights after leaving the studio, i want to go sleep in my room in the 3rd district and have coffee in the morning with Dani. i want to stop by BOEM and walk in augarten. sneak into the zoo without paying money. have lovely conversations with Franziska. stop by Bettina's class and MAren's class and make more animations at Thomas' class. and spend more time out on the streets and underground.
given a choice, i would still chose to live in Istanbul in a room with a backdoor that opens up to the bamboos in the botanical garden next to the BElvedere.

24 Ocak 2011 Pazartesi

sunny skies over vienna

i had an animated surprise ride to the airport. anna and dani also came along; we were still gossipping as i passed the security check. AND the plane ride was soooo sunny. fell asleep to the warmth of the sun. and woke up under slight rain. and found myself by the bhosphorous looking at topkapı palace and leandros tower; sipping tea along with sibel and my mom... busy days immediately began:)) the farewell party and the whole exp. in vienna supplied me with energy to face ist again!

photos will follow soon
a lot alot a lot to do
good to be in ist
good to be in my studio

17 Ocak 2011 Pazartesi

16 Ocak 2011 Pazar

"aklına deniz kaçmış karmaşa"

one job done; with this lightness onto the next task!
some sage tea and lots of water...
bol sıvı, iyi uyku

15 Ocak 2011 Cumartesi

in dreams begin responsibilities

rüyamda hamsi adında ufak bir balık restoranının yerini hatırlamaya çalışıyordum. ruyamdaki başka kriter mekanlara gore konumunu ve hatırladığım bazı mekanlara gore konumunu zihnimde bulmaya çalışıyor bir turlu oturtamıyordum nerde olduğunu. ama yurursem bulrum ayaklarım bulur dedim.
otobusten inerken dışardaki soğuk için kat kat giyinmeye calisiyordum
yağmurlu bir gunde bir yapıyı sokağa bağlayan merdiven sistemini farklı tarihlerde gordum. uzerine bir tente atmışlar. ama tente, hep merdivenlere paralel yani merdivenlerden inerken bir yandan tenteyi de bir elle yukarı kaldırıp basamak basamak iniyorsun. basmaklar yarı ıslak. demek ki tente tam gorevini gormuyor. ve basamaklar dar ve yuksek. yuksekte binanın girişi. ahşap merdivenler dik. birçok kez inip çıkıyourm. biri sinirlenip merdiven sisytemin oynatmaya çalışıyor yerinden kaldırmaya. diyorum ki inanın bu şimdiye kadarki en iyisi en azından kullanabiliyoruz.
suzan milavskayı gordum fenerbahçe yazan bir stad girişinin onunde. kat kat kmaşlar içinde gulumsuyor. hamsi restoranına çağırdım. onun yanındaki çocuk da biz de balık pişiricez. ev de yakın isterseniz bize gelin dedi. ama hamsi'de buluşacağım okadar insanla gelmek uygun olur mu diye dusundum ruyamda.
ve bir iskele. ahşap iskele. bir guzel minik kedi. denize dusuyor. ama daha yuzeye yakın. hemen tutup çıkarıyorum. sonra biz dalıyoruz ve bir bakıyorum nerde diye. dalmışız bir ara. ve bakıyorum denize dusmus ve derinliklere gıomulmekte ve kurtar dercesine bana bakmakta. deniz son derece pis ve ağır. ve sadece bakakalıyorum atlasam mıyı dusunerek ve yavru kedinin gozlerindeki bakış ve suyun derinliklerine gomulurken yakaladığım bakış ile irkilip uyanıyorum bir ara. bu merdivenlerden daha onceki bir ruyaydı
oksuruk devam
işler devam
herşey devam
güneş var bugun:)) the sun to keep us company. vienna, 3rd district.

hapşuu: Terunobu Fujimori



kuğu açılışı 11

Görüyorsun ki ben çocuk değilim
aşık da değilim
maksadım güzel sözler söylemekten ibarettir.
lale müldür


" kayısı çiçekleri
doğudan batıya esiyor,
onların düşmesini engellemeye çalıştım."

14 Ocak 2011 Cuma


oksurmekten çalışamıyorum.
ne tuhaf.

bager'le konuşurken, seda'nın önerilerini de tekrar düşündüm. alp'in kaza ve tekinsiz hatırlatmasını da. ve neden donup durup sonunda konunun net olmadığı ve sıkıcı boyuta geldiğini de. ebru ile de dün akşam şunu konuştuk. tezde soyleyeceğimiz şey kimi ilgilendirecek. bir sosyolog değilsin ya da sanat tarihçisi değilsin. sanatın uretim alanından neyi nasıl ne amaçla soylersin o zaman. sonra da Bager metro'da, kimin okumasını isteriz dedi. kim ilgilenir bizim yazacağımız şey ile?

ve arife'yi de düşününce,
kentle şehirle kısıtlı kalmayacak başka bir gözün - algının - derdin varlığının farkına vardım.
bir adım dışarı çemberden.

bager, şehirden kurtarmak lazım seni dedi.

gundeliğin içindeki fantastik dedim bugun; uçabileceğime inanıyorum işimi şekillendirmeye çalışırken.
animasyon. yarı-belgesel animasyon.
stadyum - arife- otobus - hatta gunluk hareketlerde bile kadının çevresindeki verilerin oluşma sureci gercek verilerden yola çıkıyor ve donusturuyor - şu an ugrastığım meryem-salatalıklar ve kırmızı kitap... olmuş olandan çıkıp uçuyor ya da topraklanıyor

animasyon ve gundeliğin içindeki fantastik, bizi nereye getirir. bir gerçekliğin animasyonun ifade imkanları ile aktarımı. gerçekliğin - bir olayın - bir karşılaşmanın kayıt ve araştırma aşamaları ve bu aşamaların nasıl bir animasyona döndüğü.
algı, üretim, dönüştürme sürecinin deşifre edilme süreci olarak tez
ne dersin

zaten çiğdem de hep bir 'yine uzaklaştı esas olandan' tepkisi veriyordu tezle ilgili konuşmalarıızda. ama sezgisel olan. daha doğal ve akış halinde olan. animasyon için hazırladığım prçaların kendileri gibi fantastik. sürecin dönüşümü. sürecin parçaları. süreç.

linz - vienna - istanbul

Bager was here! He did great stuff in Lİnz. He does great stuff everywhere any moment! Such an inspiration on feet!
looking forward to experience the "artificial stupidity" gadget & game.

13 Ocak 2011 Perşembe

fotoFilm: hollis frampton's nostalgia in 4 parts


"In (nostalgia), Frampton is clearly working with the experience of cinematic temporality. The major structural strategy is a disjunction between sound and image. We see a series of still photographs, most of them taken by Frampton, slowly burning one at a time on a hotplate. On the soundtrack, we hear Frampton's comments and reminiscences about the photographs. As we watch each photograph burn, we hear the reminiscence pertaining to the following photograph. The sound and image are on two different time schedules. At any moment, we are listening to a commentary about a photograph that we shall be seeing in the future and looking at a photograph that we have just heard about. We are pulled between anticipation and memory. The nature of the commentary reinforces the complexity; it arouses our sense of anticipation by referring to the future; it also reminisces about the past, about the time and conditions under which the photographs were made. The double time sense results in a complex, rich experience." - Bill Simon

viva fotofilm


Klappentext zu: Viva Fotofilm! - Bewegt/unbewegt

Fotografie steht traditionell für das Stillbild, gefriert Bewegung ein, hält einen Augenblick fest. Das Medium Film steht für Bewegung. Unter Fotofilmen versteht man Filme, die im Wesentlichen auf Fotografien basieren. Sie entstehen an der Schnittstelle beider Medien. Eine Reihe prominenter Autoren haben sich dieser Form bedient, so Chris Marker, Leonore Mau & Hubert Fichte, Elfi Mikesch, Nagisha Oshima, Raul Ruiz, Shelly Silver und Agnes Varda. In den letzten Jahren wenden sich verstärkt junge Filmemacherinnen dieser Filmform zu; angezogen vom intermedialen Arbeiten und der Möglichkeit, die künstlerischen Ideen ganz unmittelbar und direkt umzusetzen, ohne großes Filmteam und Budget. Die Beiträge sind als Anregung gedacht, Fotografie im Film, inspirierter und spielerischer zu verwenden und über die Potentiale beider Medien erneut nachzudenken.
Originalbeiträge von: Hubertus von Amelunxen, Raymond Bellour, Christa Blümlinger, Nathalie David, Stefanie Diekmann, Ole Frahm, Gusztav Hamos & Katja Pratschke, Daniel Kothenschulte, Verena Kuni, Michaela Oft, Gerd Röscher, Gerhard Schumm und
Thomas Tode.
Gespräche mit Praktikern: Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen & Peter Roberts, Leonore Mau, Elfi Mikesch, Katja Pratschke, Gusztäv Hämos & Siegfried Zielinski, Agnes Varda, Franz Winzentsen.


Programme Five: The Photo Novel

Elfi Mikesch, Execution: A Study of Mary , 1979
Elfi Mikesch
Execution: A Study of Mary 1979
© Elfi Mikesch, Berlin 2009

Saturday 13 March 2010, 15.00

The narrative photofilms in this programme are time crystals in which different worlds appear next to, or even inside each other. Films by Raul Ruiz, Elfi Mikesch, Katja Pratschke and Gusztáv Hámos are photo novels that quote the history of cinema and experiment with narrative forms.

hollis frampton - nostalgia
statues also die
Alain Resnais Chris Marker 1950-1953
35mm, B&W
French Language

utopia & reality / land of quotes

"It is our suffering that brings us together. It is not love. Love does not obey the mind, and turns to hate when forced. The bond that binds us is beyond choice. We are brothers. We are brothers in what we share. In pain, which each of us must suffer alone, in hunger, in poverty, in hope, we know our brotherhood. We know it, because we have had to learn it. We know that there is no help for us but from one another, that no hand will save us if we do not reach out our hand. And the hand that you reach out is empty, as mine is. You have nothing. You possess nothing. You own nothing. You are free. All you have is what you are, and what you give."
— Ursula K. Le Guin (The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia)

"One cannot in the nature of things expect a little tree that has been turned into a club to put forth leaves."
— Martin Buber (Paths in Utopia)

"The stupidity of people comes from having an answer for everything. The wisdom of the novel comes from having a question for everything....The novelist teaches the reader to comprehend the world as a question. There is wisdom and tolerance in that attitude. In a world built on sacrosanct certainties the novel is dead. The totalitarian world, whether founded on Marx, Islam, or anything else, is a world of answers rather than questions. There, the novel has no place."
— Milan Kundera (The Book of Laughter and Forgetting)

"Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That’s my utopia."
— Kurt Vonnegut

"You cannot take what you have not given, and you must give yourself. You cannot buy the Revolution. You cannot make the Revolution. You can only be the Revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere."
— Ursula K. Le Guin (The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia)

"Utopias are boring. Distopias on the other hand, are interesting."
— Robert Silverberg

"Excess is excrement, ... Excrement retained in the body is a poison."
— Ursula K. Le Guin (The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia)

"A child free from the guilt of ownership and the burden of economic competition will grow up with the will to do what needs doing and the capacity for joy in doing it. It is useless work that darkens the heart. The delight of the nursing mother, of the scholar, of the successful hunter, of the good cook, of the skilful maker, of anyone doing needed work and doing it well, - this durable joy is perhaps the deepest source of human affection and of sociality as a whole."
— Ursula K. Le Guin (The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia)

"The inferno of the living is not something that will be; if there is one, it is what is already here, the inferno where we live every day, that we form by being together. There are two ways to escape suffering it. The first is easy for many: accept the inferno and become such a part of it that you can no longer see it. The second is risky and demands constant vigilance and apprehension: seek and learn to recognize who and what, in the midst of inferno, are not inferno, then make them endure, give them space."
— Italo Calvino (Invisible Cities)

"I am an excitable person who only understands life lyrically, musically, in whom feelings are much stronger as reason. I am so thirsty for the marvelous that only the marvelous has power over me. Anything I can not transform into something marvelous, I let go. Reality doesn't impress me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life shackles me, I escape, one way or another. No more walls."
— Anaïs Nin

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
— Philip K. Dick (I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon)

"Reality is frequently inaccurate."
— Douglas Adams (The Restaurant at the End of the Universe)

"We are like sculptors, constantly carving out of others the image we long for, need, love or desire, often against reality, against their benefit, and always, in the end, a disappointment, because it does not fit them."
— Anaïs Nin

"Always remember, your focus determines your reality."
— George Lucas

"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like."
— Laozi

"It's hard to tell the difference between sea and sky, between voyager and sea. Between reality and the workings of the heart."
Haruki Murakami

10 Ocak 2011 Pazartesi

esnek kalp ya da kalp bükülmesi / how much can a heart bend

elastikiyetin & hoşgörünün de bir sınırı var-mış
the "bend-ability" of the heart, too, has a limit after all

only who are as beautiful & generous & respectful & loving as my good friends will be welcome from now on
and to all those with neither respect nor empathy; who do not know how to share : goodbye
spend time with people with whome there is actually a dialogue, a mutual enrichment

this may be my new years resolution

"The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for."
Bob Marley
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."
Oscar Wilde

7 Ocak 2011 Cuma

take a ride take a shot now: excellent soup

onion, garlic, ginger, lemon grass, spicy thai pepper - red, carrots, green beans, quarter of a tomatoe, just cooked on low heat while working on photoshop, afterwords added noodles and finally, some cilantro/coriander
lovely, yummy, delicious

a photo should follow soon
as soon as i overcome my laziness or other tasks and do the uplaoding
empty talk i do this sometimes bla bla:P
along with a que of portishead and all associative other ones

Oh, can't anybody see,
We've got a war to fight,
Never found our way,
Regardless of what they say.

How can it feel, this wrong,
From this moment,
How can it feel, this wrong.

Ohh ...,
Can anybody see the light,
Where the morn meets the dew,
And the tide rises,
Did you realise no one can see inside your view,
Did you realise forwhy this sight belongs to you.

Just set aside your fears of life,
With the sole desire

Done it warning,
Done in now,
This ain't real,
On in this side,
Oh can anybody see the light,
Where the morn meets the dew,
And the tide rises,
Did you realise no one can see inside your view
Did you realise, forwhy this sight belongs to you

snow topped waves / vienna - north sea connection

2009 northsea - 2010 kardinal nagl platz, vienna snow
viyana bloğumdur kendisi

held together with water & memories
water, snow, ice, and then comes in a melting heart
every now and then

perception deepens experience

we are time machines!

"If our friendship depends on things like space and time, then when we finally overcome space and time, we've destroyed our own brotherhood! But overcome space, and all we have left is Here. Overcome time, and all we have left is Now. And in the middle of Here and Now, don't you think that we might see each other once or twice?"
— Richard Bach (Jonathan Livingston Seagull)

çok klişe; ve seviyorum bu klişeyi.

time machine

so he shares his trick: how to make the watches look shinier than ever
this was near Landstrase / a watch-show; well, a diamond-watch show to be exact

disappearing stone

that's an old one; from October; 2nd district
the stone had such a presence
it spoke to me
weirdly enough
the next day i could not see it

snow topped beer

beer at Prater with Dani
i am just so lucky to have met Dani
she is a share-r by heart
as i make a small plastirin sculpture of the fake Russian Marco Polo

snow in glass; snow outside the window
this is in december

metro moments

almost flying; on wheels

turning what i dislike into something i actually might enjy:
i actually was able to make peace with my claustrophobia,
making low quality pics and sound recordings of situations i come across at the ubahn
ok; generally i do prefer to walk, but it is surprising that underground is also full of weirdly dreamy moments - of course the opposite is also true when i am just too dizzy and jump out

christmas dinner & a night's walk before chrsitmas

the pink on her cheeks give us pure joy; neverending games she comes up with every second
nordpol, christmas dinner

christmas dinner at Nordpol; 2nd district

nordpol: want to go there again. i love this place somehow.

walking from pratern to kardinal nagel platz

some kind of a nightDrifter diary