24 Ocak 2011 Pazartesi
sunny skies over vienna
17 Ocak 2011 Pazartesi
bağ - connection
16 Ocak 2011 Pazar
15 Ocak 2011 Cumartesi
in dreams begin responsibilities
hapşuu: Terunobu Fujimori
kuğu açılışı 11
Görüyorsun ki ben çocuk değilim
aşık da değilim
maksadım güzel sözler söylemekten ibarettir.
doğudan batıya esiyor,
onların düşmesini engellemeye çalıştım."
14 Ocak 2011 Cuma
linz - vienna - istanbul
13 Ocak 2011 Perşembe
fotoFilm: hollis frampton's nostalgia in 4 parts
"In (nostalgia), Frampton is clearly working with the experience of cinematic temporality. The major structural strategy is a disjunction between sound and image. We see a series of still photographs, most of them taken by Frampton, slowly burning one at a time on a hotplate. On the soundtrack, we hear Frampton's comments and reminiscences about the photographs. As we watch each photograph burn, we hear the reminiscence pertaining to the following photograph. The sound and image are on two different time schedules. At any moment, we are listening to a commentary about a photograph that we shall be seeing in the future and looking at a photograph that we have just heard about. We are pulled between anticipation and memory. The nature of the commentary reinforces the complexity; it arouses our sense of anticipation by referring to the future; it also reminisces about the past, about the time and conditions under which the photographs were made. The double time sense results in a complex, rich experience." - Bill Simon
viva fotofilm
Klappentext zu: Viva Fotofilm! - Bewegt/unbewegt
Originalbeiträge von: Hubertus von Amelunxen, Raymond Bellour, Christa Blümlinger, Nathalie David, Stefanie Diekmann, Ole Frahm, Gusztav Hamos & Katja Pratschke, Daniel Kothenschulte, Verena Kuni, Michaela Oft, Gerd Röscher, Gerhard Schumm und
Thomas Tode.
Gespräche mit Praktikern: Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen & Peter Roberts, Leonore Mau, Elfi Mikesch, Katja Pratschke, Gusztäv Hämos & Siegfried Zielinski, Agnes Varda, Franz Winzentsen.
Programme Five: The Photo Novel
Elfi Mikesch Execution: A Study of Mary 1979 © Elfi Mikesch, Berlin 2009 |
The narrative photofilms in this programme are time crystals in which different worlds appear next to, or even inside each other. Films by Raul Ruiz, Elfi Mikesch, Katja Pratschke and Gusztáv Hámos are photo novels that quote the history of cinema and experiment with narrative forms.
utopia & reality / land of quotes
— Ursula K. Le Guin (The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia)
— Martin Buber (Paths in Utopia)
— Milan Kundera (The Book of Laughter and Forgetting)
— Kurt Vonnegut
— Ursula K. Le Guin (The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia)
— Robert Silverberg
— Ursula K. Le Guin (The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia)
— Ursula K. Le Guin (The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia)
— Italo Calvino (Invisible Cities)
— Anaïs Nin
— Philip K. Dick (I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon)
— Douglas Adams (The Restaurant at the End of the Universe)
— Anaïs Nin
— George Lucas
— Laozi
— Haruki Murakami
10 Ocak 2011 Pazartesi
esnek kalp ya da kalp bükülmesi / how much can a heart bend
Bob Marley
Oscar Wilde
7 Ocak 2011 Cuma
take a ride take a shot now: excellent soup
We've got a war to fight,
Never found our way,
Regardless of what they say.
How can it feel, this wrong,
From this moment,
How can it feel, this wrong.
Can anybody see the light,
Where the morn meets the dew,
And the tide rises,
Did you realise no one can see inside your view,
Did you realise forwhy this sight belongs to you.
Just set aside your fears of life,
With the sole desire
Done it warning,
Done in now,
This ain't real,
On in this side,
Oh can anybody see the light,
Where the morn meets the dew,
And the tide rises,
Did you realise no one can see inside your view
Did you realise, forwhy this sight belongs to you
snow topped waves / vienna - north sea connection
— Richard Bach (Jonathan Livingston Seagull)
time machine
disappearing stone
snow topped beer
metro moments
christmas dinner & a night's walk before chrsitmas
some kind of a nightDrifter diary
=8IdKz9lGaEI&feature=related www.youtube.comSu çatlağını buldu... Hrant Dink İstanbul Kültür Sanat Fuarında - Hrant Dink in Istanbul Culture & Arts Fair (in Turkish)- "Abdullah Efendi, ömürlerinin sonuna kadar kendileri olmaktan kurtulamayan, nefislerini bir ân bile unutamayan, etrafındaki havaya kendilerini en fazla bıraktıkları zamanda bile, içlerinde, tıpkı alt katta geçen bütün şeyleri merakla takip eden bir üst kat kiracısı gibi köşelerinde gizl...By: Evrim Kavcar
011/01/narmanl-han-ne-olacak.h tml filucusu.blogspot.comdünyanın bütün kentleri birbirine benzetilmeye çalışılıyor,görsel hafızamız hergün yavaş yavaş siliniyor..o küçücük hanın bize ne ifade ettiğini anlayamazlar,onların tek düşüncesi bir yerden rant elde edilirmi edilmez mi..bizde her tünele gittiğimizde narmanlı hana girmiyoruz ama önünden geçerken ku- RECENT ACTIVITY
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5gXWUDoUF8 www.youtube.comFor the first time in the UK, William Kentridge's anamorphic film 'What Will Come' was shown at the Regency Town House, Brighton during the William Kentridge Exhibition mounted at the University of Brighton from 7th November to 31st December 2007. This projection onto a table of an animated narrlapa
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=gt9j80Jkc_A www.youtube.comMoss gives the General Public a true insight into the workings of a dynamic IT department- Değerli Arkadaşlar, Bilgi yönetiminin son olaylar karşısındaki tavrını kabul edilemez bulduğumu açıklamak zorunluluğunu hissediyorum. Bitirme ...By: Can Pekdemir